SDSU NewsCenter
Graduation Ceremony Celebrates Achievement, Diversity
Apr 27The Educational Opportunity Program will host a graduation ceremony to celebrate the accomplishments of the more than 200 graduating seniors.
Humanities in Action Events Kick Off
Mar 24The department of English and Comparative Literature is hosting a series of events.
SDSU Hosts the Year of the Phage
Jan 20Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the discovery of bacteriophage, scientists gathered to reflect on the field's history and speculate its future.
Going Viral with Emergency Warnings
Oct 13SDSU is teaming up with San Diego County to put viral messaging research into practice with a new Twitter-based emergency warning system.
Homecoming T-shirt to Ignite the Night
Jul 28Design submissions incorporating the 2014 Homecoming theme,
Rainbow Flag Shows SDSU's Pride
Jul 14The annual ceremony will take place on July 17 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Campanile Walkway flagpole.
SDSU Celebrates Remarkable Group of Graduates
May 16Forty Guardian Scholars have graduated from SDSU since the program began in 2007.
Gates Scholar Leaves Legacy
May 15With the help from Gates Millenium Scholars, Magdalena Rodriguez is achieving her dreams.
7 Tips for Job-Seeking Graduates
May 15SDSUs executive director of Career Services has advice for graduates heading into the job market.