SDSU NewsCenter
Researchers Find Access Hurdles to COVID-19 Vaccinations
Jul 14An SDSU team focused on heavily Latinx communities of South San Diego County contributed to a major national report on equity in vaccination rollouts.
Researching Health Care Disparities in Minority Communities
Jul 14SDSU sustainability sophomore Azure Ciel Fisher is digging into how structural racism impacts health.
Analyzing Sediment Runoff in Endangered Communities
Jul 7SDSU student Oscar Sanchez is mapping sediment plumes that lead to the Tijuana River Estuary and the ocean.
Health Safety Net for Undocumented Kids Works, Study Finds
Jul 6California experienced a 34% reduction in the rate of uninsured, non-citizen children in the first two years after an expansion in public health coverage, an SDSU School of Public Health study shows.
Researching Cultural Diversity in the Imperial Valley
Jun 30Senior Carlos Fitch hopes to portray cultural aspects and opportunities in the borderland.
Project Launching to Remove Tobacco Product Waste from San Diego Beaches, Parks
Jun 24The team will collect and document tobacco pollution to create maps and statistical models in an effort to better understand the distribution of waste and develop solutions to combat the problem.
Making Bilingual Speech Language Therapy More Accessible
Jun 23Elise Ramirez is a senior helping to promote telepractice to assess ones native language.
Head Start to Microbiology Research as a Rising Sophomore
Jun 16Sama Rakin Michael began as a teaching assistant and is now working on genetically modifying bacteria in the lab.
Fast Track to Machine Learning Research via MESA
Jun 9Senior James Bunnell will have co-published five scientific papers when he graduates in the fall with a bachelors degree in computer engineering.
Poor Hit Hardest By Extreme Heat and Ozone
May 25On hot days, the recurring combination increases hospitalizations in low-income ZIP codes more than other areas.