SDSU NewsCenter
College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts
Graduating with Honors
May 8The University Honors Program celebrates the success of its standout students.
Class of 2014 Commencement
May 1Nearly 9,300 degree candidates will participate in SDSUs graduation ceremonies, May 15 to 18.
Professor Lauded for Outstanding Service
May 1Theatre Professor Peter Larlham was honored by Phi Kappa Phi for his global service.
Exploring Contemporary Indonesian Dance
Apr 30SDSU film professor Mark Freeman will screen his recent film on Saturday, May 3.
Renaissance of Art, Self-Expression
Apr 4The SDSU Childrens Center showcases artwork by its students as part of its annual fundraiser.
The Resilience to Recover
Apr 3Kotaro Nakamura's work in post-tsunami Japan yields new insights into disaster recovery.
7 Things About Michael Gerdes
Apr 1Selected by the U-T San Diego as one of three Faces to Watch in Classical Music for 2014, Gerdes is focused on creating a thriving orchestral community at SDSU.