SDSU NewsCenter
College of Engineering
Grants of the Week
Mar 7Grants of the Week highlight some of the new awards received by SDSU researchers.
Donald G. Wilson Leaves a Legacy at SDSU
Jan 29Emeritus professor Donald Wilson leaves $1.3 million to SDSU in support of outstanding electrical engineering students.
Exploring the Physics of Flight
Jan 23SDSU doctoral student Rauno Cavallaro explores the aerodynamic forces on airplane configuration and insect flight.
From SDSU to Mars
Nov 22Aztecs from the Class of 1980 through the Class of 2005 were part of the Mars Science Laboratory team.
MESA Provides Job Shadow Day
Nov 14118 local students had the opportunity to experience a day in the life of real engineers and scientists.
Healing Opportunities for Diverse Students
Nov 1A $2.8 million NIH grant increases support of an SDSU program that prepares students for doctoral and science careers worldwide.