SDSU NewsCenter
A Lineage of Success
Nov 20Sanford Bernsteins influence in the field of biology reaches far and wide.
New Eye in the Sky
Nov 19A new telescope will let SDSU astronomers see farther into the universe than ever beforefrom the comfort of their own labs.
Astronomer Wins Surprise Breakthrough Award
Nov 18SDSU's Robert Quimby received a share of a $3 million prize for his work on an investigation into the expansion of the universe.
Let the Squirrels Worry About Snakes
Oct 24Biologist Rulon Clark studies small mammals' strategies for avoiding snakebitesand explains why humans shouldn't worry so much about them.
Skeleton Crew
Oct 17SDSU's Mammalogy Collection boasts an impressive collection of skins and skeletons from creatures great and small.
Q: Why Did the Bobcat Cross the Road?
Oct 16An SDSU biologist is learning how to encourage safer animal-crossing along SR-67.
Weather History Time Machine
Oct 15A program allows researchers to look back in time to see how precipitation across the globe contributed to major weather events.
Going Viral with Emergency Warnings
Oct 13SDSU is teaming up with San Diego County to put viral messaging research into practice with a new Twitter-based emergency warning system.