SDSU NewsCenter
SDSU Center for Regional Sustainability to Address Critical Issues
Jun 23The group's stakeholders will work collaboratively on sustainable solutions.
From TNS to ETS
Jun 18The TNS Help Desk has been renamed to better represent the services it provides.
Diana Osborn Masters Educational Technology
May 25Osborn, who works in the College of Sciences, received her master's degree in educational technology this weekend.
Cigarette Butts Toxic to Marine Life
May 1New SDSU research shows that left-over chemicals leach into the environment and kill fish.
College of Sciences Represents at SD Science Festival
Apr 15More than 50,000 people attended this first-time community science fair and exposition.
Searching for Other Earths
Apr 15SDSU scientists work with NASA to find Earth-like planets in the Milky Way.
A Golden Opportunity
Apr 10Working alongside Chinese researchers, two San Diego State professors have a chance to save the golden monkey from extinction.
Overweight Kids Readily Recognize Fast Food Logos
Feb 9SDSU researchers found that 89 percent of children recognized the McDonald's logo and 86 percent recognized the Burger King logo.
Documenting the The Obama Effect
Jan 22Test-taking performance gap virtually eliminated during key moments of Obama's presidential run