SDSU NewsCenter
Dan Majors Aztec Experience
Dec 6Dan Majors (03) is the assistant director of electronic solicitation for the Office of Alumni Engagement and The Great Gives chief organizer.
SDSU Reveals Detailed Plan for Mission Valley Site
Nov 29The university plan focuses on economic returns of higher education, open space, and responsible community development.
SDSU Generates $5.67B in Economic Activity for San Diego Region
Nov 16SDSUs independent analysis details the universitys impact on the regional and state economies.
A Tribute to SDSUs Campaign Heroes
Nov 6The new Donor Wall is a public thank you to the 615 major contributors to The Campaign for SDSU.
Will Wisemans Aztec Experience
Nov 6Will Wiseman is the College of Engineering representative on the Associated Students University Council.
Staff Awardees Honored
Oct 30SDSU deeply appreciates the contributions and long-term service of this years service milestone awardees.
KPBS Premieres New Podcast Featuring SDSU Professor
Oct 25Associate professor of astronomy Robert Quimby is featured in the science-themed podcast Rad Scientist.
Student Organization Spotlight: Real Estate Society
Oct 19The SDSU Real Estate Society mentors students interested in real estate.
Omar Sanchezs Aztec Experience
Oct 16Omar Sanchez hopes to one day become a lawyer or college professor.
In Memoriam: William L. Erickson
Oct 12William L. Erickson served as vice president for Business and Financial Affairs for 19 years.