SDSU NewsCenter
Women Remain Underrepresented in Hollywood
Sep 15Martha Lauzens latest study on gender inequality in the television industry shows women have made only small gains.
Student Organization Spotlight: Financial Planning Association
Sep 14The SDSU Financial Planning Association mentors students interested in the financial services industry.
Diversity on Display
Sep 8The SDSU Library will host two upcoming events highlighting activism and education.
At the Heart of Campus
Sep 7A new SDSU landmark recognizes Karen and Kit Sickels for their service and generosity.
SDSU Recognized for Commitment to Diversity
Sep 1The university is one of 80 colleges in the nation to receive the prestigious 2017 Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award.
SDSU Partners with MTS for SDSU-Themed Trolley
Sep 1The trolley wrap celebrates SDSUs contributions to the San Diego region over the past 120 years.
Student Organization Spotlight: SHPE
Aug 31The SDSU Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers mentors Hispanic students interested in the STEM fields.
PSA: San Diego Hepatitis A Outbreak
Aug 29The County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency has issued a public service announcement regarding the recent outbreak of hepatitis A in San Diego.
Kimberly Allis Aztec Experience
Aug 28SDSU student Kimberly Alli has held several leadership positions on campus.
SDSU Faculty Awarded Tenure, Promotion
Aug 23SDSU Provost and Senior Vice President Chukuka S. Enwemeka announced faculty tenures and promotions.