SDSU NewsCenter
From SDSU to Mars
Nov 22Aztecs from the Class of 1980 through the Class of 2005 were part of the Mars Science Laboratory team.
A Third of Marine Species Remain Undescribed
Nov 15SDSU biology professor is one of 270 authors of first-ever comprehensive register of the world's marine species.
MESA Provides Job Shadow Day
Nov 14118 local students had the opportunity to experience a day in the life of real engineers and scientists.
Tissue Regeneration at Heart of New Institute
Nov 8SDSU's Integrated Regenerative Research Institute aims to harness the power and healing potential of stem cells.
Healing Opportunities for Diverse Students
Nov 1A $2.8 million NIH grant increases support of an SDSU program that prepares students for doctoral and science careers worldwide.
Science Scholarships Awarded
Oct 29Twelve students researching areas from medicine to engineering received scholarships totalling $90,000.
Astronomy, Art, Religion Explored
Oct 25A new Special Collections exhibit features rare astronomical works.
New Discoveries in Treating Heart Disease
Oct 22World-renowned cardiac researchers will speak at a Nov. 8 symposium on campus.
Threats to Biodiversity Exposed
Oct 22SDSU anthropologist Erin Riley and a group of 215 researchers from around the globe find an alarming decline in biodiversity.
Armchair Astronomers Find 4-Sun Planet
Oct 15Two SDSU professors confirmed the amateur discovery of a planet orbiting twin suns that is orbited by a second distant pair of stars.