SDSU NewsCenter
Study Tracks Rise of Feminine Pronouns
Aug 10The use of male and female pronouns in books reflects changes in women's status during the 20th century.
SDSU Alums Lead Mars Rover Mission
Aug 3Six SDSU alumni are part of the Mars Science Laboratory team that will land the Mars Rover
A Tail of Survival
Aug 1SDSU biology professors discover that tail wagging helps squirrels defend against rattlesnakes.
China Trip Focuses on Science, Environment
Jul 13Students are in China studying the effects of climate change on the spread of infectious disease as part of a unique study abroad opportunity.
Books About Me on the Rise
Jul 11The increase in individualistic tendencies is apparent in a study of American books since 1960.
In Memoriam: Edward L. Morgan
Jul 9His focus on moving basic science discovery from bench-to-bedside, was an important characteristic of his approach to science.
Flu Fighters
Jul 6A new discovery from SDSUs Donald P. Shiley BioScience Center finds the synthetic protein EP67 helps kick-start the immune system, preventing the flu.
SDSU Alumnus Wins Apps Challenge
Jul 3Computer Science alumnus Suhail Wakils XENERGY app won two awards in the AT&T San Diego Apps Challenge.
Dive into Marine Biology
Jul 3SDSU professor Annalisa Berta pens a book for anyone with an interest in marine biology.