SDSU NewsCenter
Mortar Board Honors Kenneth Perry, Charles Stewart
Oct 5The honor society will host its annual outstanding service awards ceremony on Nov. 5.
Faculty Fulbright to Study Marine Mammals
Sep 30Annalisa Berta joins a long history of SDSU awardees.
Spiny Lobsters 411
Sep 14SDSU biologist Kevin Hovel leads a San Diego-based team studying a valuable fishery species in Southern California.
Surf is Up for Ecotourism
Sep 13The world's first non-profit research and teaching center will be housed in SDSUs L. Robert Payne School of Hospitality and Tourism Management.
Experts Called on for East Coast Quake
Aug 25A magnitude 5.8 earthquake shook much of the region on Tuesday.
Greenhouse is Hidden Gem on Campus
Jul 21Showcasing more than 400 species of plants, the SDSU greenhouse offers a place for teaching and housing many botanical experiments.
Japan Turns to Aztec for Green Rebuild
Jul 21SDSU professor Kotaro Nakamura is helping sustainable reconstruction in Japanese communities savaged by the earthquake and tsunami in March.
SDSU Welcomes Eighth President
Jul 6Elliot Hirshman met campus and community members during his first day.
College Students More Confident than Previous Generations
Jun 17A new study out of SDSU found an increase in self-rating despite a decrease in grades and scores.