SDSU NewsCenter
In Memoriam: Valerie Cook-Morales
Feb 24Cook-Morales work focused on multi-cultural issues in schools, particularly in the bilingual, Latino and African American communities.
Rattlesnakes Not So Cold Hearted
Feb 24SDSU biologist Rulon Clark finds the slithery creatures tend to stick with family.
Alums Dubbed Emerging Scholars
Feb 22Two graduates of SDSUs Minority Access to Research Careers program are recognized for their academic research by Diverse magazine.
SDSU's Young Filmmakers Ready to Roll
Feb 21Future Oscar winners featured in spring issue of 360: The Magazine of San Diego State University.
Biologist Discovers Mini Reptile
Feb 20SDSU's Ted Townsend conducted genetic tests that confirmed the lizard is an ancient and previously unknown chameleon species.
Leadership Starts Here
Feb 15The grand prize for the SDSU Month Video Contest is a trip for two to the University of Washington football game.
Aztec Motto
Jan 17A student-produced music video featuring Tim Shelton and The Show has drawn thousands of viewers and fans.
Montys Honor Aztec Alumni
Jan 17The SDSU Alumni Association will recognize distinguished alumni and others on April 14.
Discovery Creates New Class of Planetary Systems
Jan 11SDSU astronomers find new planets orbiting two stars.