Experts Directory

The San Diego State University Experts Directory is a rolodex for reporters, designed to assist journalists in their search for subject-matter experts on a variety of topics and academic research areas.

For Faculty Interested in Joining the Experts Directory

Faculty interested in joining the Experts Directory are encouraged to contact Senior Director of Media Relations Cory Marshall for more information.

For Media Seeking an Interview

For questions or assistance in coordinating an interview with one of the university’s subject-matter experts, please contact a member of the SDSU media relations team.
Brian Spitzberg

Brian Spitzberg

Senate Distinguished Professor EmeritusCollege of Professional Studies and Fine ArtsSchool of CommunicationSDSU[email protected]

Area of Expertise

Fake news, misinformation, disinformation, pseudoscience, and conspiracy theory.

Valerie Stahl

Valerie Stahl

Assistant Professor of City PlanningCollege of Professional Studies and Fine ArtsSchool of Public AffairsSDSU[email protected]

Area of Expertise

Public and affordable housing, zoning and land use, community engagement, participation, urban planning and young cancer survivorship.

Erik Storholm

Erik Storholm

Assistant ProfessorCollege of Health and Human ServicesSchool of Public HealthSDSU[email protected]

Area of Expertise

HIV prevention, sexual and gender minorities, health equity, mental health, substance use, sexuality and sexual health

Mary Ellen Stout

Mary Ellen Stout

LecturerCollege of Arts and LettersHistorySDSU[email protected]

Area of Expertise

history of feminism in comics, history of women comic creators, U.S. history, comics and social justice, using comics to teach difficult topics at the high school and college level

Doug Stow

Doug Stow

Professor, Interim Dept. ChairCollege of Arts and LettersGeographySDSU[email protected]619-594-5498

Area of Expertise

Environmental planning and policy, land cover and land use change analysis, remote sensing, applied GIS, vegetation mapping and monitoring, wildfire processes and landscape ecology.

Mark Sussman

Mark Sussman

ProfessorCollege of SciencesBiologySDSU[email protected]619-594-2983

Area of Expertise

Structural and molecular basis of heart failure, cardiac stem cells, heart attack recovery, heart biology, vaping and vaping-related injury.

Paul Sutton

Paul Sutton

Professor EmeritusCollege of Professional Studies and Fine ArtsCriminal JusticeSDSU[email protected]619-594-4449

Area of Expertise

Crime and criminal justice, criminal law and procedure, prisons and jails, official abuse, corruption, and misconduct by criminal justice officials, criminal justice and the media and prison documentary filmmaker

Kaye Sweetser

Kaye Sweetser

ProfessorCollege of Professional Studies and Fine ArtsSchool of Journalism and Media StudiesSDSU[email protected]619-594-6714

Area of Expertise

Social media, Digital media, Digital political public relations, Public relations, Digital public relations

Gregory Talavera

Gregory Talavera

ProfessorCollege of Health and Human ServicesSchool of Public HealthSDSU[email protected]619-205-1955

Area of Expertise

Community-based clinical and public health interventions within the Latino community, culture barriers in healthcare

Tingting Tang

Tingting Tang

Assistant ProfessorSan Diego State University Imperial ValleyMathematics and StatisticsSDSU Imperial Valley[email protected]

Area of Expertise

Mathematics, math biologist, epidemic models and machine learning methods.

Hakan Toreyin

Hakan Toreyin

Assistant ProfessorCollege of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringSDSU[email protected]619-594-0795

Area of Expertise

Focuses on energy-efficient integrated electronics design with emphasis on real-time physical computing for wearable/implantable biomedical devices and IoT devices, system design and translational studies for investigating novel methods of physiological sensing and health monitoring in resource-limited settings.

Peter Torre III

Peter Torre III

ProfessorCollege of Health and Human ServicesSpeech, Language, and Hearing SciencesSDSU[email protected]619-594-4787

Area of Expertise

The impact of recreational noise exposure, specifically music through earphones, on hearing in young adults, the effects of HIV on hearing in both children and adults.

Nellie Tran

Nellie Tran

Associate ProfessorCollege of EducationCounseling and School PsychologySDSU[email protected]619-594-5333

Area of Expertise

Community psychologist studying Asian American psychology, racism, sexism, especially microaggressions and other forms of subtle discrimination in academic and workplace settings.

Ming-Hsiang Tsou

Ming-Hsiang Tsou

Professor, Director of HDMACollege of Arts and LettersGeographySDSU[email protected]619-594-0205

Area of Expertise

Big Data, Social Media Analytics, Visualization, Web GIS, Geographic Information Systems, Cartography, Human Dynamics, and Web Maps. Cancer disparity expert

Jennifer Tucker-Tatlow

Jennifer Tucker-Tatlow

College of Health and Human ServicesAcademy for Professional Excellence, School of Social WorkSDSU[email protected]619.595.3917

Area of Expertise

Workforce development, training, executive development, organization development, organizational culture, public health and human service leadership.

Esra Tunc

Esra Tunc

Assistant ProfessorCollege of Arts and LettersDepartment for the Study of ReligionSDSU[email protected]

Area of Expertise

Religion and economy, Islamic philanthropy, Islamic finance, and Islam in the United States.

Katie Turner

Katie Turner

LecturerCollege of Professional Studies and Fine ArtsSchool of Theatre, Television, and FilmSDSU[email protected]970-903-8924

Area of Expertise

Theatre history, women in theatre, melodrama, early United States Theatre, minstrelsy, gender, race, and performance, experimental theatre, devised theatre, theatre and diversity and puppetry.

Kimberly Twist

Kimberly Twist

Assistant ProfessorCollege of Arts and LettersPolitical ScienceSDSU[email protected]

Area of Expertise

European politics, extremism, far-right parties, the European Union, populism, immigration, public opinion and British politics.

Emilio Ulloa

Emilio Ulloa

Professor and Associate Chief Diversity Office for HSI and Regional AffairsCollege of SciencesPsychologySDSU[email protected]

Area of Expertise

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Higher Education, Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) initiatives and topics, youth violence, intimate partner violence, child sexual abuse, sexual assault, CSEC, commercial sexual exploitation of children, dating violence, partner abuse, Latino/as (Chicana/os), minorities, undergraduate student success, research that aims to understand the risk factors associated with the commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC), also known as the sex trafficking of minors/adolescents, research on the development of undergraduates, entry into graduate school, and ethnic minorities in graduate school.

Rich Underwood

Rich Underwood

LecturerCollege of Professional Studies and Fine ArtsSchool of Theatre, Television & FilmSDSU[email protected]

Area of Expertise

Advertising, branded content, cinematography, directing visual media, documentary production, filmmaking, marketing and television news photojournalism.

Naveen Vaidya

Naveen Vaidya

ProfessorCollege of SciencesMathematics and StatisticsSDSU[email protected]

Area of Expertise

Applied mathematics, with specific areas of interest in mathematical biology (viral dynamics and immune systems, epidemiology, and ecology), mathematical and computational modeling, differential equations, dynamical systems, optimal control, biostatistics, and machine learning.

Faramarz Valafar

Faramarz Valafar

ProfessorCollege of Health and Human ServicesSchool of Public HealthSDSU[email protected]619-594-3742

Area of Expertise

Predicting and preventing spread of H1N1 flu virus, managing pandemics, bioinformatics, medical informatics, and cheminformatics.