Annika Frieberg
Associate ProfessorCollege of Arts and LettersHistorySDSU[email protected](970)371-6940Area of Expertise
conflict resolution, peace, reconciliation, European relations, EU, Poland, Eastern Europe
The San Diego State University Experts Directory is a rolodex for reporters, designed to assist journalists in their search for subject-matter experts on a variety of topics and academic research areas.
conflict resolution, peace, reconciliation, European relations, EU, Poland, Eastern Europe
Language, cognition, spatial reasoning, and executive function in the first five years of life. Socioeconomic status, first language, majority language, and bilingualism in early vocabulary size and on the role of vocabulary comprehension in the development of sustained attention, cognitive flexibility, and preparedness for school. Early vocabulary assessment, advocating for efforts to bridge the gap between language at home and the language of schooling.
Homeland security, geospatial imagery, humanitarian assistance disaster relief, civilian-military disaster (i.e. Gulf oil spill), sensor networks, public safety, dots on maps. Frost is also Director of SDSU's Immersive Visualization Lab and Co-Director of SDSU's Homeland Security Master's Program.
California-Baja border region, border politics, quality of life indicators for the San Diego-Tijuana region, U.S.-Mexican border environmental indicators, management of human and natural systems in the binational Tijuana River watershed
The physics of how viruses work, RNA viruses, bacterial viruses, bacteriophages, hte structure of long RNA molecules.
infants and toddlers, early childhood education, early childhood workforce development, social emotional development, transitional kindergarten
Organizational communication (stories, identity, spirituality, voice, wellness, sexual harassment). Health communication (provider-patient communication; personal, cultural, political complexities, illness narratives, narrative medicine, holistic health communication). Qualitative research methods (observation and field notes, interviewing, focus groups, narrative analysis, qualitative coding).
Systems biology, modeling and simulation of the lungs and mammary gland development and machine learning/artificial intelligence for advancing health equity.
Orchestra, Orchestral Music, Education, Music Education, Classical, Baroque, Romantic, Contemporary Music, Polytonal Music, Composition, Orchestration, Musical Theater, Opera, Piano, Class Piano, Symphony, Chamber Music
Materials engineering, fabrication and processing of engineered materials from steels to ceramics, cost-effective technical solutions for advanced engineering applications
Water contamination and pollution, health risks of contaminated waters, including after rainfall. Aquatic toxicity testing and ecological risk assessment for contaminants in water and sediments, restoration of the Venice Lagoon in Italy; transboundary water pollution concerns for the U.S.-Mexico border, including the Tijuana River and New River watersheds
Terrorism, Civil War, International Conflict, State Capacity, Regional Conflict in South Asia, India
Neighborhood inequalities and urban environment, gentrification and urban change, social capital and community engagement, health disparities, and social determinants of health.
Applied mathematics, signal processing, image processing, data science, deep learning, mathematical decomposition techniques and data-driven techniques.
Mutual funds taxation, tax evasion, use tax, holiday gift cards
American politics, survey research & polling, political parties, campaigns & elections, media, the presidency, Congress
Migrant health, women's health, HIV, sexual health, reproductive health, gender-based violence, immigration, asylum seekers, health and human rights, and social epidemiology.
Immigration, Latino, and border politics
Oxygenation in the critically ill patient, respiratory failure, shock, sepsis, Covid-19 related respiratory failure, mitochondrial dysregulation, and mechanical and extracorporeal ventilation.
Zionism, Israel-Palestine, international tribunals, UN, global protest movements and climate justice activism.
Early reading and writing, teaching struggling readers and dyslexia as a misnomer.
Investments, asset pricing, stock market predictability, trading strategies, and data-snooping issues
Radio frequency (RF) and microwave electronics, solid-state and semiconductor devices, radio-frequency integrated circuits (RFIC), wireless communication systems and physical electronics.
parent and caregiver involvement in services for children
cancer, genomics, DNA repair, precision oncology, health disparities, cancer disparities
Digital Signal Processing, Communication, Systems, Wireless Systems
Gender and masculinity (particularly among college men), Race and ethnicity in education, College sports/athletics, Community Colleges, College fraternities
Chemical analysis; identification and quantification of chemical components in aqueous (liquid) solutions. Anti-doping analysis; development of analytical techniques for the detection of doping substances used by athletes.
Artificial Intelligence, deep learning and medical imaging.
Virtual Reality Augmented Reality Mixed Reality Spatial Computing Immersive Simulation Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Motivation to Learn STEM Workforce Skills Online Learning Quantitative Research Analysis Mobile Learning Educational Technology