The San Diego State University Experts Directory is a rolodex for reporters, designed to assist journalists in their search for subject-matter experts on a variety of topics and academic research areas.

Jeremy Long

Jeremy Long

ProfessorCollege of SciencesBiologySDSUjlong@sdsu.edu6198885294

Area of Expertise

Ecology, environment, marsh, Baja, invasive species, abalone, snail, urchin, seaweed, restoration, aquaculture, marine biology, human impacts, anthropogenic impacts, species range and plants.

Efren Lopez

Efren Lopez

Assistant ProfessorDivision of Arts and SciencesEnglish and Comparative LiteratureSDSU Imperial 476-6241

Area of Expertise

American Literature, Ethnic Literature, Chicana/o/x Literature, Digital Humanities, Public Humanities, Social Media

Tracy Love-Geffen

Tracy Love-Geffen

Professor and Dean of the College of Graduate StudiesCollege of Health and Human ServicesSpeech, Language, and Hearing SciencesSDSUtlove@sdsu.edu619-594-6354

Area of Expertise

Language processing in both language impaired (aphasia/ stroke survivors and specific language impairment) and language unimpaired child and adult populations. This research program focuses on examining the nature of the information used during on-going language and cognitive processing, in determining when and how different information sources are integrated, and in determining the biological (neurological) bases of these processes. A multiple methodological approach is employed via the fusion of information provided by brain imaging, on-line and off-line behavioral research.

Ping Lu

Ping Lu

Professor and ChairCollege of EngineeringAerospace

Area of Expertise

Advanced guidance and control, entry guidance, powered descent guidance, optimal control,  aerospace autonomy, flight mechanics, trajectory optimization, convex optimization, hypersonic gliding guidance, hypersonic flight mechanics, spacecraft guidance and launch ascent guidance.

Marilee Ludvik

Marilee Ludvik

ProfessorCollege of EducationAdministration, Rehabilitation, and Postsecondary EducationSDSUmbrescia@sdsu.edu619-594-8318

Area of Expertise

Using translational neuroscience and mindful compassion practices to inform the design and evaluation of workshops and curriculum to decrease students’, faculty, and administrators’ stress and anxiety and increase their attention, emotion, and cognitive flexibility, as well as enhance compassion, inquiry, creativity, and overall well-being

Paul Luelmo

Paul Luelmo

Assistant ProfessorCollege of EducationDepartment of Special

Area of Expertise

Special education disproportionality, autism, equity and Latinx families.

Hala Madanat

Hala Madanat

Vice President for Research & InnovationCollege of Health and Human ServicesSchool of Public HealthSDSUhmadanat@sdsu.edu619-594-3754

Area of Expertise

Tobacco prevention, smoking cessation, impact of westernization on diet and nutrition, medical sociology, health education; impact of culture, traditions and western influence on health in the global setting (emphasis on the Middle East)

Kristen Maher

Kristen Maher

ProfessorCollege of Arts and LettersPolitical ScienceSDSUkmaher@sdsu.edu619 594-4873

Area of Expertise

International migration and border politics: San Diego and Tijuana as border cities, migrant labor, immigrant rights, asylum and refugee politics and the borders between urban neighborhoods.

Seth Mallios

Seth Mallios

Professor and University HistorianCollege of Arts and LettersAnthropologySDSUsmallios@sdsu.edu619-594-4748

Area of Expertise

Anthropology, archaeology, San Diego cemeteries, San Diego history, music history and football history.

Stanley Maloy

Stanley Maloy

Associate Vice President of Research & Innovation,Biology, Graduate & Research AffairsSDSUsmaloy@sdsu.edu619-594-5142

Area of Expertise

Microbiology and microbial genetics, Pathogens, Emerging infectious diseases, Antibiotic resistance, Vaccines, Climate change and infectious disease, One Health, Phage, Bioterrorism, Research ethics, STEM Entrepreneurship

Saeed Manshadi

Saeed Manshadi

Assistant ProfessorCollege of EngineeringElectrical and Computer

Area of Expertise

Smart grid, power system operation and planning, renewable energy, and AI-assisted optimization.

Enrico Marcelli

Enrico Marcelli

Associate ProfessorCollege of Arts and 594-5459

Area of Expertise

International migration, health/labor/urban economics, social epidemiology, urban sociology, social demography. Illegal/legal immigration from Mexico, healthcare and immigrants, crime and immigrants. Sociology, health, migration, urban sociology, demography

Ksenija Marinkovic

Ksenija Marinkovic

Associate ProfessorCollege of

Area of Expertise

Cognitive neurophysiology; spatio-temporal (where and when) neural characteristics of cognitive and emotional processing; effects of alcohol on decision making; neural changes in young binge drinkers; fibromyalgia; autism spectrum disorder; language. We use multimodal imaging including electro- and magnetoencephalography (MEG/EEG), functional and structural MRI.

Lourdes Martinez

Lourdes Martinez

Associate ProfessorCollege of Professional Studies and Fine ArtsSchool of

Area of Expertise

Health communication, behavior change, persuasion, social networks, social media, big data analytics, health risk, misinformation and disinformation.

David Marx

David Marx

Associate ProfessorCollege of

Area of Expertise

Intergroup relations, STEM underrepresentation, stereotypes, prejudice, social identity, gender, role models and discrimination .

Georg Matt

Georg Matt

ProfessorCollege of SciencesPsychologySDSUgmatt@sdsu.edu619.594.0503

Area of Expertise

Secondhand smoke, thirdhand smoke, tobacco smoke exposure, tobacco smoke pollution, tobacco control and smoke-free policies.

Sarah Mattson

Sarah Mattson

ProfessorCollege of SciencesPsychologySDSUsarah.mattson@sdsu.edu619-594-7228

Area of Expertise

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, verbal and nonverbal learning, visuospatial processing, executive functioning, psychiatric functioning, attention, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, viruses and illnesses, structural and functional MRI, diffusion tensor imaging and ADHD.

Dr. Arion Mayes

Dr. Arion Mayes

Associate ProfessorCollege of Arts and

Area of Expertise

Forensic anthropology, bioarchaeology, peopling of the new world, New York African burial ground, ethics in anthropology/science, Native American graves Protection and Repatriation Act, population health and subsistence. Osteology, Skeletal Biology, Bone Identification, ancient disease, trauma analysis, population health, Bioarchaeology, Environment/anthropogenic changes and population health, 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, New York African Burial Ground, Oaxaca, Mexico, NAGPRA-Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act

Karen May-Newman

Karen May-Newman

ProfessorCollege of EngineeringMechanical EngineeringSDSUkmaynewm@sdsu.edu619-594-5652

Area of Expertise

Bioengineering, medical device design, heart failure, mechanical circulatory support, LVAD therapy and blood flow.

Amanda McClain

Amanda McClain

Assistant ProfessorCollege of Health and Human ServicesExercise and Nutritional

Area of Expertise

Food insecurity; food access; health and nutrition equity; food choice; dietary behaviors; community-engaged research and capacity-oriented approaches.

Corinne McDaniels-Davidson

Corinne McDaniels-Davidson

Assistant Professor & Institute for Public Health DirectorCollege of Health and Human ServicesSchool of Public

Area of Expertise

COVID-19 (contact tracing, testing, vaccination, vaccine hesitancy, workforce development) community health workers, public health practice, HPV, HPV vaccines and cervical cancer.

Jeffrey McIllwain

Jeffrey McIllwain

Associate ProfessorCollege of Professional Studies and Fine ArtsSchool of Public AffairsSDSUmcillwain@sdsu.edu619-454-5819

Area of Expertise

Military affairs, military history, special operations, war, terrorism, ISIS, Al Qaeda, international security, national security, homeland security, border security, organized crime (drug trafficking, human trafficking, weapons trafficking, money laundering, etc.), intelligence, dark networks, corruption, information operations (propaganda, etc.), media and crime, crime and film and history of crime.

Thomas McKenzie

Thomas McKenzie

Professor EmeritusCollege of Health and Human ServicesExercise and Nutritional

Area of Expertise

Physical activity, physical education, schools, recreation and public health, designing and assessing physical activity programs and interventions with diverse populations, school PE, health teaching and coaching, and residential programs for the overweight and obese. Co-founder of SPARK (, which is now in its thirty-third year.

Robert McKinney

Robert McKinney

LecturerCollege of Health and Human ServicesSpeech, Language, and Hearing

Area of Expertise

Accents, accent modification, second language acquisition, English as a second language, bilingualism, and speech and language services for adolescents.

Anne E. McMills

Anne E. McMills

Associate Professor and Head of Lighting DesignCollege of Professional Studies and Fine ArtsSchool of Theatre, Television, and FilmSDSUamcmills@sdsu.edu917-981-9815

Area of Expertise

Lighting design, theatre, television, theme parks, architecture, industrials, concerts, award shows, dance, and opera. The physics of theatrical lighting, fixtures, angles, colors, mood and time of day. Lighting in the storytelling of plays or musicals. Angles, color theory, photometrics, understanding of color temperature and Broadway.

Robert Meffe

Robert Meffe

Professor and Head of MFA Musical Theatre ProgramCollege of Professional Studies and Fine ArtsSchool of Theatre, Television, and FilmSDSUrmeffe@sdsu.edu917-297-3897

Area of Expertise

Musical theatre, musical theater, music theatre, music theater, Broadway, Tony Awards, Broadway pit orchestras and conducting

Scott Meltzer

Scott Meltzer

LecturerCollege of Arts and LettersDepartment for the Study of ReligionSDSUscottymeltz@hotmail.com619-594-1767

Area of Expertise

Jewish Studies, Hebrew Bible, Jewish Ethics, Contemporary American Judaism and Spirituality, New Testament & Early Rabbinic Judaism Parallels
