Transborder Engagement
Transborder Engagement is a core Global Strategic Priority within the scope of SDSU’s comprehensive internationalization plan. The emphasis of the Transborder Engagement initiative is on developing and nurturing opportunities for binational faculty collaborations via research and teaching partnerships focusing on the border region of California and the Baja California peninsula. The goal of this effort is to enhance knowledge pertaining to transborder perspectives in all relevant disciplines and areas of study through academic experiences that are co-created by faculty members from SDSU in conjunction with counterparts from Mexican institutions in the region.
Transborder Engagement is intended to develop a network of transborder research representatives from SDSU and Baja California in order to undertake multidisciplinary applied research and teaching projects on topics of important regional concern, including transborder environmental issues, perspectives on the California-Mexico relationship, quality of life, sustainable development, regional economic development issues, and transborder planning issues. Proposed outcomes of Transborder Engagement include co-development, -design and -implementation of multidisciplinary research projects, fieldwork, and applied, project-based coursework between SDSU faculty and regional Mexican institutional partners.
The Transborder Engagement team in International Affairs helps identify and facilitate binational research and teaching connections for SDSU faculty and serves as a major academic link between SDSU and regional Mexican universities. Over the past several decades, SDSU has built and continues to benefit from the robust institutional partnerships with the following universities in the Baja California peninsula:
Transborder Programs
SDSU faculty members interested in developing a Transborder Program associated with a course should email [email protected]. If the program will be part of a class, we request notification at least 45 days prior to the start of the semester.
Faculty seeking to take students across the border for day trip(s) or field trip(s) not associated with a course, must complete this Transborder Travel Form no less than 30 days prior to departure.
Faculty members interested in Transborder Engagement initiatives with SDSU’s institutional partners in the Baja peninsula should contact:
Vinod Sasidharan, Ph.D.
Director, Transborder and Regional Faculty Engagement
International Affairs
Email: [email protected]
Upcoming Events

When: November 18, 2024 11:45 am-1:45 pm
Where: Scripps Cottage/Patio
This event aims to connect SDSU faculty involved in transborder initiatives (research and/or teaching) with new faculty colleagues who are planning on doing so. Interested faculty can ask questions, hear about opportunities, and brainstorm ideas, and then have time for questions and discussion regarding transborder collaborations. The event will showcase the transborder work of our faculty members. The presentations are intended to provide context, guidance, and recommendations for faculty who may be thinking of transborder collaborations.