SDSU NewsCenter
Register Now for Winter Session
Oct 9Online courses in subjects that include accounting, economics, nutrition and psychology will be offered beginning Dec. 19.
Free Speech Site, Inclusive Reporting System Launched
Oct 7The two web-based resources will provide students with free speech rights information and the entire campus a mechanism to report incidents and excellence related to inclusion.
New Fireside Charla Episode Explores Research at SDSU
Oct 4It is the 10th episode of Fireside Charla.
Fall 2020 Application Period Now Open
Oct 1The deadline to apply for fall 2020 admission is Nov. 30, 2019.
Q&A with Maryana Khames
Sep 24The international security and conflict resolution major was appointed to the CSU Board of Trustees this past summer.
SDSU Kicks Off Strategic Planning Process
Sep 23SDSU President Adela de la Torre and Provost and Senior Vice President Salvador Hector Ochoa spoke to the hundreds in attendance.
Report: Native Americans Suspended at Disproportionate Rates, Recommendations Offered
Sep 16Researchers, including those from SDSU, are calling on California schools to adopt policies and practices to reduce the disproportionate number of suspensions among Native American youth.
SDSU Reignites I Am SDSU Campaign
Sep 16All SDSU community members both on and off campus are encouraged to participate in the campaign.
SDSU to Host Regional High School Counselors and Students
Sep 13CSU admissions are the focus of a systemwide gathering, hosted by SDSU at the San Diego Convention Center.
SDSU Committed to Student Safety and Well-Being
Sep 12The university provides students with an array of programming and intervention strategies related to alcohol and other drugs.