SDSU NewsCenter
Edwin Darrell's Aztec Experience
Oct 24Edwin Darrells new role provides leadership for the Women's Resource Center, Pride Center and Center of Intercultural Relations.
SDSU Names New Athletic Director
Oct 24John David Wicker was previously the Deputy Athletic Director at SDSU.
Student Organization Spotlight: Entrepreneur Society
Oct 20The SDSU Entrepreneur Society gives members the opportunity to interact with business executives and attend networking events.
Educational Leadership Department Selected for $47 Million Initiative
Oct 13SDSU is one of seven universities chosen to help design a program that aims to prepare aspiring principals for their careers.
Student Organization Spotlight: Pre-Law Society
Oct 13The Pre-Law Society encourages and promotes a career in law by preparing members to apply for law school.
New Support for College of Business Administration
Oct 11Former San Diego Gas and Electric Chairman Thomas Page has endowed the college deans position.
SDSU Among Princeton Review's Most Sustainable Universities
Oct 11This is the first time SDSU has made the list recognizing its dedication to environmental responsibility.
Student Organization Spotlight: American Medical Student Association
Oct 6AMSA strives to help pre-medical students become well-rounded candidates for applying to medical school.
Staff Awardees Honored
Oct 3An upcoming ceremony to celebrate service milestones for SDSU staff members will take place this month.
Student Organization Spotlight: Society of Women Engineers
Sep 29The Society of Women Engineers strives to provide members with opportunities that will help them advance in the field of engineering.